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Программно-определяемая глобальная сеть

SD WAN simplifies the delivery of advanced applications and optimizes network performance today with the scalability to adapt for whatever the future may bring. SD WAN is a cloud-delivered overlay WAN architecture that makes your network more agile.


Делает вашу сеть более гибкой благодаря:

  • Centralized Management

Rather than visit each site to make changes, adjustments are done remotely and applied to all sites

  • Quality of Service

Instead of dealing with application performance inconsistencies resulting from single location access, now each site can access the Internet directly

  • Best-in-Class Security

Network security is not an afterthought, SD WAN features integrated security layered throughout utilizing VPN protocols

  • Analytics Capabilities

No more lack of visibility, SD WAN provides the insights necessary to identify network issues fast and forecast resources effectively

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Network Migration: Avoid confusing, slow and costly turn-up by migrating your legacy network to SD WAN to handle more traffic and new apps.

Configuration Consultation:With a lean internal IT team, keeping up with ever- evolving technology is challenging. That’s why we offer ongoing consultations for when you need to adapt your network.

On-Site Management Support: For the times when you need to have a professional review, assess, and plan out changes to your network infrastructure, minimizing costly misconfigurations and possible outages.

Keep your enterprise agile, with cost-effective connectivity and talk to our experts about SD WAN, today.

Партнеры Cloud Connect

Эти партнерства предоставляют клиентам заранее определенные оптоволоконные маршруты через прямое подключение к частной сети вместо маршрутизации их трафика через общедоступный Интернет.

AWS Cloud spans 84 Availability Zones within26 geographic regions around the world, withannounced plans for 24 more Availability Zonesand 8 more AWS Regions in Australia, Canada,India, Israel, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland,and United Arab Emirates (UAE).Learn more

Google Cloud recently added Santiago and willcontinue expanding into the following regions:Doha (Qatar), Paris (France), Milan (Italy),Madrid (Spain), Turin (Italy), Columbus (US),Berlin (Germany), Dammam (Kingdom of SaudiArabia), Dallas (Texas), and Tel Aviv (Israel).Learn more

Azure имеет 54 центра обработки данных и работает в 140 странах мира. Подключения ExpressRoute не проходят через общедоступный Интернет и обеспечивают большую надежность, более высокие скорости и меньшие задержки, чем обычные подключения к Интернету. Узнать больше

Облако AWS охватывает 84 зоны доступности в 26 географических регионах по всему миру. Объявлены планы создания еще 24 зон доступности и еще 8 регионов AWS в Австралии, Канаде, Индии, Израиле, Новой Зеландии, Испании, Швейцарии и Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (ОАЭ). Узнать больше

Финансовые рынки

Support the entire enterprise while reducing time

NexGen Networks enables smarter network connections that are reliable enough to support the entire enterprise while reducing the time to market for new offerings and new locations.