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Сетевой аутсорсинг

NexGen Outsourcing Group (NOG) is a division of NexGen Networks Corporation

With extensive experience into the local markets globally, NOG helps in getting the most competitive pricing, lowered latency and the reduction in companies costs through our outsourced model.

Аутсорсинговая группа NexGen (НПО)

Employing consultants worldwide.

NexGen's Outsourcing Group can significantly reduce telecom expenses, (wireline, wireless, data) by improving the lifecycle, including areas of operations, procurement, provisioning and comprehensive reporting capabilities. NOG offers solutions to help you get total control and visibility into your telecom costs to reduce expenses. Whether NexGen Outsourcing Group becomes your professional service firm focused on helping you draft, develop, and implement a more efficient overall strategy to your telecom budget, or if we focus on one aspect of professional services, be confident NOG has the knowledge and experience to handle your organizations biggest challenges. Our focus on telecom management, inventory and invoice management enables our customers to gain better control of their wireless & wireline inventory, increased visibility into business intelligence and a reduction in costs.

Consulting Services

If your company is embarking on new reduction of cost initiatives, consider using the professional consulting services available through NexGen Networks. There are many options to the NexGen Outsourced model. Customers have the ability to tailor their outsourcing options or use the full suite of services available. The professionals at NexGen have the background and expertise to provide you with best practices and recommendations that can create real savings in your telecom budget, while improving quality and visibility for your overall telecom services. We will analyze and understand the needs of the customer and their business in gathering service requirements.  NGO consultants will jointly develop a service delivery timeline with the customer, ensuring agreed levels of service are delivered on time and managed appropriately.

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Сетевой аутсорсинг

NexGen Outsourcing Group telecom consulting services gives you an edge

NexGen Outsourcing Group’s consultants help determine your organization’s most important priorities with a thorough review of telecom expense data. Outsourcing Technical Support for telecom and data services requires a specialized skill set that can be difficult to find and expensive to hire. However, when you take advantage of the outsourced resources available at NOG, you can rest assured that you will have knowledgeable professionals at your disposal around the clock.

Опыт и знания, которые помогут вам в ваших действиях по расходам на телекоммуникации

NEXGEN OUTSOURCING GROUP offers unparalleled proficiency in overall reduction of both CAPEX and OPEX requirements in real time and long term objectives. By consulting with NOG from the start, you can achieve greater cost savings and better visibility. The goals, programs and actions you establish will benefit from in-depth industry knowledge developed over two decades of helping companies like yours with their aspirations of significant reduction in overall telecom expense.

Партнеры Cloud Connect

Эти партнерства предоставляют клиентам заранее определенные оптоволоконные маршруты через прямое подключение к частной сети вместо маршрутизации их трафика через общедоступный Интернет.

Облако AWS охватывает 84 зоны доступности в 26 географических регионах по всему миру. Объявлены планы создания еще 24 зон доступности и еще 8 регионов AWS в Австралии, Канаде, Индии, Израиле, Новой Зеландии, Испании, Швейцарии и Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (ОАЭ). Узнать больше

Google Cloud недавно добавил Сантьяго и продолжит расширяться в следующих регионах: Доха (Катар), Париж (Франция), Милан (Италия), Мадрид (Испания), Турин (Италия), Колумбус (США), Берлин (Германия), Даммам ( Королевство Саудовская Аравия), Даллас (Техас) и Тель-Авив (Израиль). Узнать больше

Azure имеет 54 центра обработки данных и работает в 140 странах мира. Подключения ExpressRoute не проходят через общедоступный Интернет и обеспечивают большую надежность, более высокие скорости и меньшие задержки, чем обычные подключения к Интернету. Узнать больше

Облако AWS охватывает 84 зоны доступности в 26 географических регионах по всему миру. Объявлены планы создания еще 24 зон доступности и еще 8 регионов AWS в Австралии, Канаде, Индии, Израиле, Новой Зеландии, Испании, Швейцарии и Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах (ОАЭ). Узнать больше


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