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Высокопроизводительная сеть для отрасли здравоохранения

Today’s healthcare providers require advanced technologies to improve the quality of patient care and the efficiency of your organization. These technologies continue to be built out in large data centers and into the cloud.

Приложения для здравоохранения

Providing Secure, Compliant, and Reliable Solutions for Tomorrow's Care

At NexGen Networks, we provide tailored connectivity solutions designed specifically for the healthcare industry. With our deep expertise in highly regulated environments, we ensure that your critical applications and patient data are always accessible, secure, and compliant. From seamless multi-site connectivity to private, low-latency cloud access, our solutions are engineered to support the demands of modern healthcare—empowering you to deliver exceptional care with confidence.

Why Choose NexGen Networks?
  • Extensive experience with HIPAA, GDPR, and global compliance.
  • Proven track record in healthcare, finance, and government sectors.
  • Tailored connectivity for hospitals to national health networks.
  • Infrastructure designed for real-time monitoring, telemedicine, and secure data sharing.
  • Engineered for critical applications like telemedicine and EHR.
  • Ensures continuous access to patient data and healthcare applications.
  • Расширенные возможности подключения к здравоохранению

    Enhance patient care with scalable, prioritized, andcost-effective network solutions.

    Быстрое расширение здравоохранения

    Быстро развертывайте центры и учреждения неотложной помощи без задержек в оборудовании, сокращая затраты.

    Надежное здравоохранение безотказной работы

    Ensure 100% business continuity for critical healthcare operations, even during unforeseen emergencies.

    Прямое подключение к облаку

    and the impact in healthcare is quite substantial. Today, it is not only helping to transform the industry but also making a huge social impact. The cloud was among the leading technologies that fought to overcome the pandemic in numerous ways, from helping launch new products faster and delivering high-quality services via Telehealth to aiding the development of life-critical decisions. NexGen Networks’ Cloud Direct Connect services offer private, low-latency connections that bypass the public internet, ensuring your data remains secure and compliant with industry regulations. Whether you're migrating to the cloud or optimizing a hybrid environment, our Direct Connect solutions provide the speed, reliability, and security your healthcare organization needs. In an industry in which human lives are at stake,NexGen's cloud solutionsare helping the healthcare sector live up to its name by putting the "care" in healthcare.

    SD-WAN может помочь компаниям здравоохранения преодолеть эти проблемы.

    It enables the use of widely available and affordable broadband that eliminates bandwidth constraints and empowers flawless online patient experiences, unhindered cloud and inter-office communications, and crystal-clear transmissions of X-rays, video and other critical imaging. Meanwhile, video has moved toward the top of the bandwidth-hogging applications as its use in telemedicine and training have skyrocketed.

    SD-WAN also allows practices to bring new critical care centers and other facilities online quickly, because the time-consuming and expensive need for ordering, waiting for delivery and installation of on-premise hardware is eliminated.With SD-WAN, your entire network is provisioned, managed and monitored from centralized software controls.

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