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Descubra la diferencia NexGen
Ampliando horizontes con telecomunicaciones robustas. Fundada en 2002, NexGen Networks es uno de los proveedores de telecomunicaciones integradas de más rápido crecimiento en el país.

Al prestar servicios a empresas de diversos tamaños en una amplia gama de industrias, hemos podido establecernos y crecer con la capacidad comprobada de ofrecer soluciones confiables y de velocidad ultraalta con un enfoque inigualable en el servicio al cliente.
Tenga éxito en cada fase de la implementación de su red
NexGen Networks harnesses the power of modern Ethernet technologies to furnish your enterprise with unmatched layer 2 connectivity across your metropolitan locations. Whether you’re looking to deploy point-to-point applications as a superior alternative to outdated TDM/Sonet services, or you aim to establish a point-to-multipoint setup for streamlined communication across various sites, ourMetro Ethernetproduct is the key.

Cada momento de inactividad podría marcar una oportunidad perdida
You are decidedly not in the waiting game, and NexGen's vigilant team can keep your data flowing without interruption. Our diverse and redundant network architecture provides superior transmission uptime, backed by network operations centers that unremittingly monitor and manage our networks while providing real-time problem diagnosis and resolution. Serving major financial exchanges around the world, NexGen Networks has firmly established itself as a leader in solutions for clients in rapidly evolvingfinancial markets. Our diverse, ultra-low latency solutions are unassailably reliable, providing an unparalleled competitive advantage to our financial markets clients.